Contact info:
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 718.465.6643
Oil Paintings
Methods of Payment Accepted: Cash, Check, PayPal
Please feel free to contact me with any questions
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Since I was a child I was an artist in the making. I studied art from middle school through college. Then afterwards whenever I thought I needed to hone my skills more, I studied with art instructors at the Nassau Museum of Art and at NAL with instructors like Sean Sullivan and Rob Silverman.
I am a member of NAL, MAG, and SAA. I have entered art shows as well as had solo shows and have also had the pleasure of winning some awards for my art.
When someone buys my work and tells me how much it has touched them, that is the best award. Most importantly, art is my soul’s connection to God. It’s a song of color and shapes and of nature and beauty. When I am immersed in art, there is peace and joy in my spirit. I wish to share this experience with others.