Historically, this show is less than other ones but 105 stickers were given out, some got by me, so this was a hit show!  This number includes the two hour reception only and not the many who visited  it daily.

A few sales from the racks were transacted and while I write this, please include all information on the reverse, the same you would do for hanging/displaying pieces as this would make the transaction easier and safer that the correct piece has been sold.

Our reception table, and all who work to make these shows successful, many thanks.

The congeniality between artists and guests is obvious and listening to comments, well, they just have to be shared.

“Oh dear, I can’t believe I was here almost to the end of the party.”  PARTY!

Yes, it is every time we meet and greet family, friends and guests who wander in, come to our party!  Be part of it as a member!  Speaking of that, two applications were given to prospective members even though we have two events left for the year.  The next comment, and my favorite, is on arrival:  “where is my sticker?” While some still don’t wear them, they are still counted, maybe next time.  Speaking of next time….Early November is our Social/Business Pot Luck Supper night and each and every menu item is attractively displayed, as art.

Then our Thanksgiving Show will take place, let’s see how this will be attended with some going to warmer climates, others come in while visiting  the East End.  One thing for sure, we are the place and organization to take part.

Till next time, God bless


Beverly Livernoche, Secretary/Greeter